Sunday Lesson

Key Question: What can you think about when it’s hard to wait? Having a strategy when it comes to waiting is a great way to have patience. We pray that as kids discover more about patience, they’ll consider all of
the truth of Scripture, the ways God has helped them in the past, and the hope they can have knowing God will help them in the future. Waiting might be hard, but God can help us wait well.

Bottom Line: When you have to wait, remember what’s true. We can’t avoid having to wait, but we
can choose how we respond. A good way to discover patience is to think about what’s true about God: God loves us and knows what’s the best for us. God cares for us and is with us. We can trust God no matter. We pray that kids remember what’s true about God when they have to wait.

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: How can you be kind to people who are different from you? There are times when we face people who we feel don’t deserve our kindness. Most likely, preteens could list out the people who they don’t get along with or people that are different from them. They may even be able to make excuses as to why those people don’t deserve their kindness. But Jesus tells us to love our enemies and show kindness to everyone. Through this question, we hope kids start to discover how they can show kindness to all sorts of people they meet. We finish the month with a familiar parable found in Luke 10:25​-37.

Bottom Line: Be kind to people who are different from you. Everyone is deserving of our kindness, whether they look like us or not. We hope kids learn from a young age, that God’s love is for everyone. We can’t hold back kindness from others just because they might look or act different from us. Jesus modeled a love and kindness that included everyone. We should do that same.

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: Have you ever received unexpected kindness? February is Random Acts of Kindness month. It makes sense. After all, often the best kindness is the kindness that feels completely random. We pray that this question will help kids discover how they feel when someone surprises them with kindness. And when that happens, we hope to guide them to figure out the unexpected ways they can show kindness to people in their lives. For week three, we head to Matthew 5:41​. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught, Suppose someone forces you to go one mile. Go two miles with them, (NIrV). To us that might sound strange, but to those listening—not so much. Roman soldiers could force them to carry their pack for a full mile. Jesus reminds His followers to go above and beyond in how they respond to others. Bottom Line: Be kinder than you have to be. Often kindness can feel like an obligation. Because of that, we tend to do the bear minimum when it comes to showing kindness. What if we helped kids look at it differently? What if helped them see that kindness can be extravagant and unexpected. It’s that sort of kindness that can change people’s hearts and show them how much God loves them.

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: When is it hard to be kind? If kindness is something that we know should be a part of our lives, why do we find it difficult to show kindness to others? Often, we find it’s easier to show kindness to strangers
than those who are closest to us. We hope through this question and the discussion that will happen; preteens will start to understand how they can make sure they show kindness to the people they love.

In week two, we head to Ruth 1 and 2, where we find Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Their husbands have died, and Ruth has the opportunity to return home to her family. Instead, she chooses to show kindness
to Naomi and stay with her. Ruth’s kindness doesn’t go unnoticed. Boaz sees how Ruth is treating Naomi and offers kindness to Ruth, changing her life in a huge way.

Bottom Line: Be kind to your family and friends. When it comes to our family and friends, we can often find ourselves taking them for granted. We hope through
the story of Ruth, kids will learn to show kindness to the people who care about them the most.

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: What does kindness look like? In some ways, kindness can feel subjective. What one person sees as an act of kindness another might see as an obligation. That’s why we start our preteens with a conversation about kindness. When you can identify what kindness can look like, you start to see all the ways you can show God’s kindness to others. We kick off the month of February with something Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:32​. Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive one another, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done, (NIrV). Even when we were separated from God, He showed us kindness through sending Jesus to rescue us and model what kindness can look like in our lives. Bottom Line: Be kind to others because God is kind to you. As we follow Jesus and look for ways to reflect His love to the people around us, kindness is one of the easiest ways to do that. God was so incredibly kind to us, that we can help but to be kind to the people we meet.

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: When have you had to work hard? When it comes to hard work, kids tend to want to avoid it at all cost. However, when they remember how God has helped them work hard in the past, it can encourage them to work hard with whatever they’re facing now.

For week three, we take a closer look at Proverbs 6:6- 8. Think about the ant! Consider its ways and be wise! (NIrV). God created ants to take responsibility and work hard storing up for the winter months. We can look to them as an example, as we take responsibility and work hard.

Bottom Line: Work hard. God has created us to work, yet often we try to do whatever we can to avoid it. We pray that this simple bottom line will be a reminder for kids to take responsibility when they have a job to do. God can give them the strength they need to follow through and get the job done.

Sunday Lesson

We kick off Christmas with one of them most hopeful
passages in the Old Testament. In Isaiah 9:6, we read,
A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us.
He will rule over us. And he will be called Wonderful
Adviser and Mighty God. He will also be called Father
Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace, (NIrV).
As God’s people were about to head into exile, God
delivered hope through a promise. Someday, this will all
be over—a King would come who would make all things
new. Christmas celebrates the hope that God sent Jesus
to fulfill that promise and rescue creation once and for

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: What are you grateful for? We start a month on gratitude helping kids refocus their own life and discover reasons they can be thankful. We can get so busy with life, that we often don’t take the time to pause and notice what God has done for us. We pray that kids will consider why they can always be thankful.

Bottom Line: You always have something to be grateful for. When life is hard or even if life is normal, finding why you should be thankful can be difficult, especially for kids. We pray that as kids think about this bottom line, they’ll remember they can always be thankful to God for sending Jesus to be our Savior.


We finish up the month in Philippians 4:8. Paul reminds the church, Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect.
If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things, (NIrV). If we want to have integrity with our entire lives, we have to fill our minds with good things in the first place.

Sunday Lesson

MEMORY VERSE “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1, NIrV

Sunday Lesson, September 27

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1, NIV

Sunday Lesson, September 20

The Beginners Bible – The Good Samaritan When Jesus encounters a man who wants to learn the quickest way into Heaven, He teaches him a lesson about loving your neighbor as you love yourself. The story begins with a man who, as a child, was taught to fear anyone different from his own people.

Sunday Lesson, September 6

Daniel and the Lions

Sunday Lesson, august 29

Families, what do you think your kids would want to change about the world? Talk about how they can make a difference! Dance along to My Life His Story, Shine a Light Remix, and I Am Yours, watch the Bible story “Nehemiah Builds the Wall,” and build a “wall” to see how you can make a difference as a family.


Romans chapter 12, verse 21

Sunday Lesson, august 23

Families, do your kids struggle to obey? Talk about the good consequences that come from obeying! Dance along to Shine a Light Remix, Loved, and Jesus What a Friend Remix, watch the Bible story “Coming Home,” and play a few rounds of “Leader, May I?”


Colossians chapter 3, verse 20

Sunday Lesson, august 15

Families, have a great conversation about the kind of words that build others up, and the kind of words that tear others down. See the Bible story of “Our Words Have Power,” watch Pastor Andrew build a Jenga tower, dance along to worship songs Jesus On My Journey and Greater Is He.


1 Timothy chapter 4, verse 12

Sunday Lesson, august 9

Families, who do your kids tend to follow? Talk about how they can test someone’s example before they follow it! Dance along to Shine a Light Remix, Who You Are, and Jesus Is Alive Right Now, watch the Bible story “King Rehoboam,” and wander around your home—with your eyes closed!


Matthew chapter 15, verse 14

Sunday Lesson, august 2

Families, do your kids let fear stop them dead in their Families, do you know what Konnect HQ’s mission is? It’s the same as ours when we choose to follow Jesus! Talk about how your family can work together on God’s mission! Dance along to Shine a Light Remix, I Live by Faith, and I Believe, watch the Bible story “The Great Commission,” and talk about what you would put on a postcard if you could mail it to Konnect HQ.


Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12

Sunday Lesson, July 19

Families, do your kids ever get worried about getting sick? Talk about what they can do to give their worries to God! Dance along to Who You Are, Loved, and Journey of a Lifetime, watch the Bible story “Don’t Worry,” and create a worry jar your family can use to give their worries and cares to God.


1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7

Sunday Lesson, July 12

Families, are your kids whining all the time? Talk about how they can leave complaining behind! Dance along to I Am Yours, Shine a Light Remix, and Loved, watch the Bible story “Jonah and the Vine,”


Philippians chapter 2 verse 14

Sunday Lesson

Key Question: How can you be kind to people who are different from you? There are times when we face people who we feel don’t deserve our kindness. Most likely, preteens could list out the people who they don’t get along with or people that are different from them. They may even be able to make excuses as to why those people don’t deserve their kindness. But Jesus tells us to love our enemies and show kindness to everyone. Through this question, we hope kids start to discover how they can show kindness to all sorts of people they meet. We finish the month with a familiar parable found in Luke 10:25​-37.

Bottom Line: Be kind to people who are different from you. Everyone is deserving of our kindness, whether they look like us or not. We hope kids learn from a young age, that God’s love is for everyone. We can’t hold back kindness from others just because they might look or act different from us. Jesus modeled a love and kindness that included everyone. We should do that same.

Sunday Lesson, July 5

Families, do your kids have a hard time saying no to temptation? Talk about the different “ways out” God gives us to stand up to it! Dance along to My Life His Story, Loved, and Who I Wanna Be, watch the Bible story “A Test in the Desert,” and do an activity to see how the Bible can help you say no to temptation.


1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13

Sunday Lesson, JUNE 28

Families, talk about fighting evil—without making it creepy! Explore the armor of God and how to trust in God’s strength to fight. Dance along to Shine a Light Remix, Jesus Is Alive Right Now, and Greater Is He, watch the Bible story “The Armor of God,” and flex your drawing muscles by sketching out the armor of God with Kirk!


Ephesians chapter 6, verse 13

Sunday Lesson, JUNE 21

Families, do you wish your kids would stop lying? Have a great conversation with them about how lying hurts their relationships with others—and how honesty can heal them. Dance along to Who I Wanna Be, Jesus What a Friend Remix, and Journey of a Lifetime, watch the Bible story “Ananias and Sapphira | SKIT VISION!!” and play Two Truths and a Lie together.


Proverbs chapter 12, verse 22

Sunday Lesson, May 31

Families, there are a lot of ways to pray! Talk with your kids to see which types of prayer they want to try out. Dance along to Who I Wanna Be, Who You Are, and Shine a Light Remix, watch the Bible story “Jesus Prayed,” and play a game together about your name and when you like to pray.


Psalm 55:17

Sunday Lesson, May 24

Families, you can have a great conversation about what worship is! Help your kids think of reasons God deserves our worship. Dance along to Jesus What a Friend Remix, Journey of a Lifetime, and Who You Are, watch the Bible story “The Woman at the Well”


John chapter 4, verse 23