“He said, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

LUKE 11:28


Father, we desire to hear Your voice and to follow Your
ways. We pray that You would speak to us so that Your
will, will be done through us. We seek You wholeheartedly,
selflessly, and continually. Help us to recognize Your voice
at all times and give us the courage we need to act on
Your behalf. The busyness of life can get loud and there
are distractions all around us. We know that it is the goal
of the enemy to tempt us with the temporary pleasures
of this world. Help us to stand together under You. Give
us wisdom to know when to quiet the noise around us in
order to hear You clearly. Grant us the patience to wait
for You to speak when we are seeking Your voice. Help
us to be confident as You guide our actions. Teach us to
abide in Your presence, and most of all teach us to rest in
the security of Your promises.