“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”



Father, thank You for giving us a true picture of what love looks like. Help us to take whatever preconceived or worldly definitions of love that we have and replace them with the truth of Your Word and true unconditional love in our marriage. We pray that our love would be patient with each other and slow to give up. Help us to be kind to each other, never lacking in compassion. We pray that our love would be good willed and always humble before each other. Help us to always speak highly of each other in private and in public. May Your grace in our lives cause us to be slow to take offense and quick to forgive with each opportunity. Lord, we pray that we would be each other’s greatest shield, always defending each other from other people or situations that would attempt to cause us harm. And may we have an eternal optimism in regards to our relationship and Your intent and purpose for bringing us together. Lord, bless our marriage. May it never fail, and may Your name be made great through it.