“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

1 PETER 4:10


God, thank You for Your gifts and talents. You have blessed each of us with the talents needed to accomplish Your will, and more and more we realize just how uniquely designed we are as individuals. Your Word compares our lives as followers of You as individual parts of the same body. You created us for one purpose with a plan. The two of us are so distinctly different, yet when we come under Your authority those differences do not serve as hindrances but rather gifts to complement each other. Where one of us lacks, You have purposely given strength and direction to the other. God, we pray that You will teach us to function as one body. Help us to try to accomplish tasks that we were not created to do alone. Help us to the find joy in working together and give us the grace to follow You.