“The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit
before the quarrel breaks out.”



Dear God, we pray that we would be eager to maintain
unity in our home. Teach us to bear with each in love
in every circumstance we face. Thank You that in every
decision and situation we have Your Word as our guide.
In areas where the enemy would try to divide us, our
finances, our careers, our time, our priorities, we pray that
we seek Your will above our personal requests. Replace
selfishness with humility, resentment with compassion,
anger with gentleness, and conflict with peace. Make us
one, Lord, in every area and in every decision. We submit
our agenda for Your greater purpose. We let down our
guard, surrender our desires and rely on Your strength
to bind us together for Your eternal glory. Let our union
exude Your presence and grow in us as a testimony of
Your faithfulness.