“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”



Father, You have told us clearly in Your Word that some
things are more important than others. And next to our
relationship with You, our marriage comes second. Help
us to seek You first in all things, aligning our lives and
marriage covenant under You. Then help us to make our
commitment to each other the most important thing that
we seek. We pray that we would be on the same page about every decision that we make. We pray that we would not step out of line with Your plan for our lives and that when we do, You would right our path. We ask that You give us supernatural wisdom to pass on activities and commitments that lead us away from Your kingdom agenda and that we would seek your counsel first, not looking to the opinion of others before we have clarity from You. Thank You for Your promise that we will benefit by putting You first. Help our walk to match our talk.