“It is my prayer that your love may abound more and
more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that
you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and
blameless for the day of Christ.”



Lord Jesus, there are many different people and ideas that
would like to shape our decisions, actions, and thoughts as a couple, but we ask that we would be able to hear and receive directly from You and Your Word. We recognize that all truth comes from You and that anything that doesn’t come from You is error. We ask that You would give us the discernment to know right from wrong, good from bad, and even Your plan from our plan, if the two don’t line up. Lord, give us the patience and wisdom to carefully examine every decision and judgment we have to make, submitting each to You knowing that You are the final authority. We commit to doing this in every area of our life and ask You to expose the areas that we haven’t given to You to guide, direct, and change, if necessary.
Lord, give us one mind in You that we might live consistently under the authority of Your kingdom agenda.