Let’s make it our personal mission to stop wasting God’s time. Far too many times people attend worship services out of obligation rather than taking advantage of the wonderful opportunity that has been laid before us to honor God. When we pray, we can be more selfless by focusing on how great He Is, and seek out what direction He has for us. When we serve, we can be imitators of God by giving to Him the same level of excellence that He has shown to us. Our character and reputation should be the same when we are at church as it is when we are out in the public. We can be more faithful to Him by not robbing Him of our time, talents, and treasure. Those who worship God can impact the world for His glory by expressing joyful and real praise rather than pretending for the sake of others. When we put all of these things together, we will experience what it is to fulfill the plan He has for us and be more than conquerors!
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