In order to be a help, you have to be available. Faith needs application to fulfill its promise. Spiritually many are asleep while yet alive. Get out of the bed and ready yourself for the reason to live God has given you. If you want to get out of bed you must wake up, followed by the action of walking out the place that you are spiritually asleep in. The next thing you have to do is get out of your spiritual sleepwear. Spiritual sleepwear is not suitable for your daily activity. Some sleepwear looks like it can be worn out in public but it does not change what its function is, to sleep. Sleepwear is the attitude that says that your objective is to return to sleep. In order to be a help you must get out of your previous position by changing your spiritual location and locomotion. Spiritual location refers to where you are currently in your relationship with God. Spiritual locomotion refers to what you use as a driving force for the race that you are running. So, if you are in darkness, then it is time to move toward the light. If you have been running on your own motivation, it is time to start running on God’s inspiration. Challenge yourself to get out and be a help to someone today.