“We are what we eat!” So declares the nutrition charts we see in our schools and doctors’ offices. An old story says that if there are two dogs in your yard and if they should get into a fight, the one that will be victorious is the one that you feed the most. There is a battle raging within each of us between two natures or forces that cannot agree. God places His Spirit within the heart of every believer which confirms that there is precious cargo within these poor vessels. Satan is constantly trying to convince us to part from what God has given to us. He will come at us through our eyes, ears, nose, hands and mouth without regard to the damage that he does to you and all those around you. Fortunately, God has declared that once we are in His hands there is nothing that can take us out of them. The Spirit that is within us will only respond to what the Word of God says, therefore, let’s make every effort to continue to feed our bodies with the Bread of Heaven.