Busy! Busy! Busy! That seems to be the standard for our lives today. Too busy to stop. Too busy to think. Too busy for fun. Too busy for friends. Too busy for family. Too busy for God. There is a reason that God rested on the seventh day, He is our example. There is a reason that God said that we should honor the Sabbath, keep it holy and make it be a day that we devote to Him. When we rest, we get refreshed and our thinking becomes clearer. When we rest, we get revived and our creativity is enhanced. When we rest, we are saying to God that we believe Him and the example that He has shown us by taking one day out of seven and devote it to Him. Let our actions be lined up with our words that declare our belief in God and His miraculous providing power. Our victory is in Him which requires us to be IN HIM!