The value of sharing can never be overstated. When we share our thoughts, greater understanding is attained. When we share our abilities, greater accomplishments occur. When we share our lives, greater is the ability to deal with life circumstances. When we share our faith, greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. When we share our concerns, greater is the available options. When we share our love, greater needs can be met. When we share our life, greater is the value given to the one we have. God knew that in order for us to live He had to share himself with us. The words shared by the prophet Habakkuk illustrates this when we are encouraged to write the vision we have so that others can run with power and perseverance to complete the task that God has laid out for them, individually and collectively. Your visions and dreams can come to reality when you are connected to the plan God has for you and are surrounded by others who make fulfilling God’s Will a priority of their life.