Upon completing a task that is significant or important there can be a moment of uncertainty of purpose that can be reflected in the way we approach what is next. After victory at Jericho, the children of Israel faced defeat against a small group of men at Ai. After the great victory at Mt. Carmel where the prophets of Baal were defeated and the drought came to an end, Elijah wanted to quit and die. After the crucifixion, many of the disciples retreated to what they did before they became followers of Jesus. The Resurrection gives us the ability to recognize that we need an eternal perspective on the things that we do so that we do not suffer from depression or a letdown after every accomplishment. We are overcomers through Christ, and because of that we strive daily to ascend to the highest mountain and travel through the darkest valleys with the same resolve and encouragement of knowing that we will reign in victory with Him in the end.