There Is Room For Another

Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
There Is Room For Another

Witnesses are able to state that they can verify what actions have taken place because they were present during the time that the action occurred.  There will be people around who will challenge the accuracy and truthfulness of a witness’s testimony.  The effectiveness of the testimony will depend upon the conviction that the witness has about what they observed or experienced.  The same is true for those who are to be the witnesses for Jesus.  God has called all believers to be witnesses about Him and the difference that belief has made in our life.  The enemies of God will challenge the validity of our belief.  It will be our wonderful privilege to defend our beliefs, contend for the faith and proclaim that there is room for more to believe while there is still time.  So, when it is your time to testify for God, be the best witness that you can be.


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One Direction

Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
One Direction

Advance!  Progress!  Graduate!  Commence!   All of these words are filled with a sense of and feeling of urgency in regards to action.  The reality is that moving in a forward or positive direction is the expectation that God has for all people.  The promises that are throughout the Bible in regards to forward movement have been chronicled in books, studied in classes and discussed in conversations.  Never lose sight of the necessity to take your studies, and discussions, of moving forward into actions that support them. The Bible    declares that the thoughts of a man are reflective of who a man is.  Let your thoughts lean toward the Will of God and then let your actions be in obedience to that will and your trust be in that will.  Ezekiel saw a creature that represented God and it only moved in a forward direction.  It is time for each of us to strive to be like Christ and be bold in our movement in one direction, FORWARD!


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Knowledge Leads To Wisdom

Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Knowledge Leads To Wisdom

There is nothing wrong with being smarter today than you were yesterday. In fact, the Bible declares the virtue of having more knowledge.  Knowledge is the key component of obtaining      wisdom, which is the beginning point of a healthy fear of the Lord.  Knowledge of who Jesus is gives us the keys to unlock the kingdom doors on our journey.  Knowledge and wisdom are the principal things that will make promotions available to us spiritually, personally, and professionally.  There are many who would take advantage of our lack of knowledge, so it is important, for our own sake, to obtain more than we had before.  God has made it clear that one of the primary reasons that people perish is because they do not have enough knowledge.  We can take a leap of faith and learn something today that we did not know yesterday and strive to make that knowledge an instrument that allows us to please God.


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Fill Up On Aisle J

Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Fill Up On Aisle J

While growing up there would be a chart of a human body that says that we are what we eat.  It is said that we are a reflection of what we believe.  It is also said that the things that we believe in are the things that we do.  Romans 7 says that the things that the spiritual nature hates, our sinful nature does.  So, how do we overcome the sinful nature that causes us to do what we say we do not believe in?  We must feed our minds the Word of God, so that we fill up on the things that His Word declares, therefore, strengthening our inner self when we decide what we do.