He Is There When We Need Him
The Lord hears the voice of His people. Standing up for your Christian beliefs does not fit in with what the masses want to do, but it does not mean …
The Lord hears the voice of His people. Standing up for your Christian beliefs does not fit in with what the masses want to do, but it does not mean …
God has given us Joy, so why are so many operating as if they do not have it. One of the realities of living in this world is that there …
A single thread has strength but is not indestructible. When that thread is joined with other threads the potential for enduring pressure is multiplied. People often try to find an …
When Ezekiel saw a vision of a being with four faces there was a significant thing about this that matters to all us in regards to how we approach life. …
There is someone waiting for you. They need you to use the full capacity of your mind, body, soul and strength. They know that you can do what they need …
A well timed word can mean the difference between success or failure. Ephesians 2:1 describes how God has made believers alive who were previously dead in sins and trespasses. Just as He …
People come into our life and people leave from our life. We enter into people’s lives and we leave from other people’s lives. This constant coming and going has all …
Hebrews 10:19-25 in the Message version of the Bible says,”So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into “the Holy Place.” Jesus has cleared the way by the …
“Whether you like it or not the millions are here, and here they will remain. If you do not lift them up, they will pull you down.” This quote comes …