Marriage Prayers 2022


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me— practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”



Lord Jesus, the enemy wants nothing more than to create
insecurities in our marriage. He wants to break down our
trust and he wants to create doubt in our minds about our
love and commitment to each other. He wants to erode our confidence in each other, making us feel weak and alone. But Father, we do not stand confident in our own ability to love or even with total dependence on each other. We stand confident and sure in Your love and in the peace that You give. Jesus, we commit ourselves to praying against any insecurity that we have and release it to You. We release each other to You for You to correct and deal with our hearts and we will stay out of Your way. We are not secure in each other. We are secure in You and we commit our minds to thinking about things that bring us joy and You honor and glory. Thank You, Lord, for the peace that You give when we place our complete confidence in You and in Your Word.

Marriage Prayers 2022

Day 9: USE US

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”

JOHN 15:16



Lord Jesus, help us to abide in You individually and to immerse our marriage in Your Word. Use our relationship for Your glory and for our good. We are grateful that You have chosen to love us and that You thought it right to bring us together for Your purposes. Help us to spend time together with You, abiding and hanging out in Your Word on a regular basis, that we would grow richness in our marriage that would be irresistible to those around us. Grow our union into a tree of life that would give others nourishment and delight that can only come from You and points back to You as its source. We pray for all those who are touched by our marriage, that in Your grace You would use us to leave a lasting impression on them and that ultimately they would grow in relationship with You because of the fruit of Your spirit in our lives. Open our eyes to see the opportunity You have given us to extend Your grace and mercy. May we never miss an opportunity to offer the hope and sustenance that is found in Your love.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope.”




Father, thank You for reminding us in Your Word that
Your plan for our marriage is always for our good.
Our marriage covenant is one that You look upon
with great joy as a recognized relationship of honor
in Your kingdom. As such, You have committed to
prosper it and to give it a lasting future filled with
hope. In the tough times that we have seen and the
ones that are to come help us to remember that You
are good and that what we see is not all that is to be
seen. Help us to know beyond our natural sight that
You are working even in the darkest of times. Help
us to keep our eyes and minds on You, knowing that
our hope doesn’t come from our circumstances, but
in the promises You have made. May our lives and
our marriage be filled with joyful expectation of all
that is to come through our union to each other as
we seek Your face and Your grace on this journey. In
the lowest of valleys and the highest of peaks may our
marriage be marked by an unwavering commitment
and a steadiness that comes from trusting You.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“It is my prayer that your love may abound more and
more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that
you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and
blameless for the day of Christ.”



Lord Jesus, there are many different people and ideas that
would like to shape our decisions, actions, and thoughts as a couple, but we ask that we would be able to hear and receive directly from You and Your Word. We recognize that all truth comes from You and that anything that doesn’t come from You is error. We ask that You would give us the discernment to know right from wrong, good from bad, and even Your plan from our plan, if the two don’t line up. Lord, give us the patience and wisdom to carefully examine every decision and judgment we have to make, submitting each to You knowing that You are the final authority. We commit to doing this in every area of our life and ask You to expose the areas that we haven’t given to You to guide, direct, and change, if necessary.
Lord, give us one mind in You that we might live consistently under the authority of Your kingdom agenda.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”



Father, You have told us clearly in Your Word that some
things are more important than others. And next to our
relationship with You, our marriage comes second. Help
us to seek You first in all things, aligning our lives and
marriage covenant under You. Then help us to make our
commitment to each other the most important thing that
we seek. We pray that we would be on the same page about every decision that we make. We pray that we would not step out of line with Your plan for our lives and that when we do, You would right our path. We ask that You give us supernatural wisdom to pass on activities and commitments that lead us away from Your kingdom agenda and that we would seek your counsel first, not looking to the opinion of others before we have clarity from You. Thank You for Your promise that we will benefit by putting You first. Help our walk to match our talk.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“And though a man might prevail against one who is
alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”



Lord Jesus, the enemy wants nothing more than to
slowly erode the strength of our union. He would
love to divide us over our differences, our perceived
weaknesses in each other, and even our varying
interests. He wants us to slowly pull away from each
other in these things and grow division between us,
knowing that if we are unaware of this slow decay, then
he will get us far enough apart that we will lose hope.
But we give You access and authority into these areas
in our life and we ask that Your grace be the bridge for
any divide in our marriage that already exists and that
Your perfect love would bind us together in peace. We
invite Your presence into our home and pray that it
produces the type of harmony that results in oneness
of purpose. May we be one together and one with You
as we submit to Your purpose for our marriage. We
give You thanks in advance for the peace that will exist
in our marriage, even in the changing circumstances.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit
before the quarrel breaks out.”



Dear God, we pray that we would be eager to maintain
unity in our home. Teach us to bear with each in love
in every circumstance we face. Thank You that in every
decision and situation we have Your Word as our guide.
In areas where the enemy would try to divide us, our
finances, our careers, our time, our priorities, we pray that
we seek Your will above our personal requests. Replace
selfishness with humility, resentment with compassion,
anger with gentleness, and conflict with peace. Make us
one, Lord, in every area and in every decision. We submit
our agenda for Your greater purpose. We let down our
guard, surrender our desires and rely on Your strength
to bind us together for Your eternal glory. Let our union
exude Your presence and grow in us as a testimony of
Your faithfulness.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

MATTHEW 6:14-15


Lord, though we fail You over and over again You are
patient, gentle, and kind toward us. Thank You for Your
faithful hand that leads us back to Your love and Your
forgiveness and compassion that never runs out. May we live as a reflection of You, that may we deal with each other and those around us with compassion and gentleness. Teach us to forgive those around us like You have forgiven us. Help us to not allow resentment to build or unforgiveness to linger. Help us to extend grace and walk in humility as we acknowledge our need for Your constant flow of it in our lives. Help us to be a source of encouragement and replace condemnation with love and forgiveness.

Marriage Prayers 2022

Day 2: UNITY

“…with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”



Dear God, we pray that we would be eager to maintain
unity in our home. Teach us to bear with each in love
in every circumstance we face. Thank You that in every
decision and situation we have Your Word as our guide.
In areas where the enemy would try to divide us, our
finances, our careers, our time, our priorities, we pray that
we seek Your will above our personal requests. Replace
selfishness with humility, resentment with compassion,
anger with gentleness, and conflict with peace. Make us
one, Lord, in every area and in every decision. We submit
our agenda for Your greater purpose. We let down our
guard, surrender our desires and rely on Your strength
to bind us together for Your eternal glory. Let our union
exude Your presence and grow in us as a testimony of
Your faithfulness.

Marriage Prayers 2022


“No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

1 JOHN 4:12


Dear God, we thank You for the gift of marriage and for being the source of love. May our union be known by Your love. We pray that our actions toward each other would be an example of Your sacrifice and a result of Your presence. God, we give You permission to invade our home, take over our thoughts, and direct our paths. Be our strength when challenges come and remind us that it is the manifestation of Your Spirit that holds our union together. We ask that You give us the discipline we need to seek You daily and the boldness to live out Your plans. Abide in us. We rely on You and we are grateful for Your presence in our lives. We are fully dependent on Your presence and desire for our lives to be the evidence of Your love.