Marriage Prayers 2022


“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”



Lord Jesus, we thank You that You have given us to each
other in marriage and we pray that Your plan for us to be
one flesh would be expressed in every area of life. Starting
with our vows and commitments to each other, we pray
for purity. We pray that we would honor each other
completely and that we would put each other’s needs in
front of our own. Lord, grow a trust relationship between
us that would be unbreakable. We pray that when others
look at us they would see You in us and a closeness in our
union that doesn’t come from the world. Reveal any false
intimacy in our relationship and replace it with exactly
what You had in mind when You created us for each

[Husband] Father, help me to love my wife like You love
me and to give up even my life if You call me to do so.
Until then, help me to die to any selfish way that would
keep my wife from trusting and following me as I follow
[Wife] Lord, help me to respect my husband and trust
that he has the good of our family in mind with every
decision he makes. Help me to follow him as he follows
You. Make us one as You are one.