Gifts For His Glory

Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Dr. Daryl's Moment of Power
Gifts For His Glory

Each person has been given their own set of gifts, talents, and abilities.  It does not mean that everyone has the same ones or an equal amount.  God has a reason for each person to operate on the level of life that they are at.  Some will stay at the level that they started, some will rise to a higher level and some will go down a level.  No matter if there is an increase or a decrease, there is an opportunity to bring   glory to God by our response to our circumstance.  Paul said it best when he declared that whether he is abased or abounding he has learned to be content no matter what state he is in.  Being content still requires that we strive to do our best because God is faithful to keep His promises toward us when we trust and obey Him.


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